Watch Video: Sojan Joseph Delivers Maiden Speech in Parliament Highlights NHS and Mental Health Priorities

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Sojan Joseph, the newly-elected Labour MP for Ashford and the first MP of Kerala origin, delivered his maiden speech in the House of Commons this week, highlighting his commitment to serving the “diverse and historic” constituency. In his inaugural address, Joseph shared his background from Kerala and his professional experience in both the NHS and mental health sectors.

Traditionally, an MP’s maiden speech is an opportunity to discuss their constituency and honor their predecessor, even if from an opposing party. Joseph embraced this tradition, pledging to advocate for policies that preserve and restore the natural beauty of Ashford.

Expressing his gratitude in his first parliamentary comments, Joseph, the first-ever Labour MP elected by the Ashford constituency, paid homage to his predecessor, Damian Green, the outgoing Conservative MP. Joseph praised Green’s service and expressed his intent to focus on critical local issues, including healthcare, GP appointments, mental health, and poverty within the constituency.

“I take joy in representing such a diverse community, and coming from Kerala, I am proud to have been selected by the people of Ashford,” he stated. Joseph’s speech underscored his dedication to his new role and his eagerness to address the needs and concerns of his constituents.

Joseph’s election marks a significant milestone for the Ashford constituency, reflecting the changing demographics and growing diversity of the area. His focus on local health care and community well-being promises a new chapter of advocacy and action for Ashford’s residents.

Watch his maiden speech here.